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Archives: 2024

Am I Covered If I Buy a New Car on the Weekend?

Am I Covered If I Buy a New Car on the Weekend?

It’s a Saturday afternoon and life is looking up. After weeks of searching for a new vehicle, you’ve finally settled on the right car. You completed the test drive, negotiated a good price, agreed on a trade-in value and signed all the paperwork. Now, with keys in hand, it’s finally time to drive off the lot. But as you give your Erie Insurance agent a call...

What Is General Liability Insurance?

What Is General Liability Insurance?

You know how many things can go wrong if you run a small business. You've probably heard the horror stories even if they haven’t happened to you personally. Whether accidental customer injuries, legal action from competitors, or any of a thousand other heartburn-inducing scenarios, the risks and pitfalls of running even a very small enterprise can keep you up at night. General liability insurance is...

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: Which Do You Need?

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: Which Do You Need?

Life is always changing – which is why it’s important to review your insurance needs and make sure your coverage is keeping up with your life. Whether you’re entering adulthood or nearing retirement, you may have a need for life insurance… but understanding which policy is best for you can be confusing. Let’s talk term and whole-life insurance to help you find which benefits you...

How to Protect Your Bike from Theft

How to Protect Your Bike from Theft

Whether you’re a hardcore biking enthusiast or more of a casual cruiser, riding your bike is a great way to enjoy the outdoors – and a healthier way to get around, too. After each ride, it’s important to remember to lock your bike up so thieves can’t steal it. Close to two million bicycles are stolen each year, according to bike registry Project 529.  And...

Strategies to Combat Employee Theft

Strategies to Combat Employee Theft

Employee theft is a major issue that many business owners must unfortunately confront, damaging employer-employee trust and creating an intolerable financial burden on operations. Taking proactive measures to prevent and address instances of theft is crucial to protecting the business community. On average, workplace theft results in a staggering $50 billion in losses each year. The Alarming Scope of Employee Theft The growing prevalence of...

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